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Marshmallow // dried root

Sale price$6.50

Organically grown Marshmallow Root (Althea officinalis) from Oshala Farm

Enjoy Marshmallow root when you need a hydration boost. It is a great nourisher of the mucous membranes of the body, easing an irritated throat and digestive tract, nourishing the gastrointestinal system while healing leaky gut. It is another herb that is gentle and many of us can benefit from working with it. 

1oz bagged

How to use:

Marshmallow root is best as a cold infusion. pour warm-cool water over the herb and allow to sit until the water takes on a viscous state. 


Dried Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) root.

Thanks for supporting small farmers and organic growing methods. The dried herbs you'll find here have been grown in conditions most suitable for the herb, with care for supporting potency and handled with care by one or two sets of hands. They've never been tossed around or sorted on conveyor belts. This is medicine for the soul.