Libra Anointing Oil // The Poised Artist
The Poised Artist
Element: Air
Mode: Cardinal
Planet: Venus
Tarot: Justice
Libra, the elegant & quite friend who lets their quirky wit out only in comfortable situations. Libra is blessed with the gift of big-picture vision & the ability to take emotions out of decision making for fair judgement, the true diplomat of the zodiac. They have an eye for trends & tend to see art all around. When out of balance Libra can be picky, easily writing-off those they find can’t meet their demands. They will worry about decisions far after they’ve past, or linger to long on the ones at hand. When in harmony with Libra’s highest vibration this energy will step-up to the plate & confidently decide wether it’s time to sharpen the axes or take a day of rest. With the ability to decipher needs vs desires, Libra decides what should be utilized now or stored for later. They do all this with an immense amount of love in their heart for the current times and generations to come. They will gladly give all they have in this life, if that means it’ll come back double-fold for humanity down the road.
Use as an anointing oil for body and ritual objects.
Libra mother oil crafted under astrological influences. Blended 1:1 with Jojoba Oil
Large - Glass steel roller
Medium - 1 dram glass vial
Small - Sample size teeny tiny!
Comes with info Card.
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