Blue Vervain // dried herb
Dried Blue Vervain is great for making your own tincture or infused vinegar. A bitter, cooling and drying herb. Blue Vervain is a Venus herb, great for easing Mars energy and Virgo types (typically indicated or type A personalities--people who have project after project, list after list. Folks who are so busy in their minds they don't notice they are storing tension in their shoulders.) Blue Vervain is also great for the digestive tract and to soothe nerves.
0.5 oz bagged
How to use:
You can tincture the dried herb at a 1:5 ratio (1 oz herb to 5 oz alcohol of 40-75% ABV, depending on what you can get your hands on)
Organically grown Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata,) dried at low temperatures. Grown and hand-harvested by Ritual Botanica.
Thanks for supporting small farmers and organic growing methods. The dried herbs you'll find here have been grown in conditions most suitable for the herb, with care for supporting potency and handled with care by one or two sets of hands. They've never been tossed around or sorted on conveyor belts. This is medicine for the soul.
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